Thursday, October 28, 2010

It's time to end discrimination of ANY kind!

Usually, I don't pay a lot of attention to excess political e-mail, but this morning I received one that contained a video that was particularly aggravating. I have included the link to the video here. Suffice it to say that I will be happy when, like racial bigotry, prejudice against sexual orientation will be a thing of the past. What a waste of time in the least, and unkind and amoral at worst, to spend one's time in discomfort and judgment by trying to prevent people from simply being themselves.

Just let prejudice go already!

(BTW, kudos to the Obama administration for having the courage to hire people based on their qualifications, regardless of their sexuality (which matters not in the least).)


  1. Thanks Lee for the link!!!! Shelia

  2. You're welcome Sheila, whoever you are!!


  3. Oops, I just noticed that your name is Shelia. I misspelled it as Sheila, sorry!
