Thursday, January 21, 2010

Response to article in Newsweek

I agree completely with David Rothkopf's assessment of natural disasters like the Haitian earthquake as having been calamities that could have been greatly minimized. (Averting Disaster: Newsweek, 1/25/10, p. 28) While I think it's marvelous that the world community is responding with love and compassion in the form of monetary aid and hands-on assistance, we are not as good as a species at prevention in advance. This fact crosses many issues, not just impending natural disasters. It includes an enormous list such as preventable disease, crime, drugs, health, etc. But it is noteworthy to be reminded that one huge lesson that can be learned from the earthquake in Haiti is not only that citizens of the world still respond with immediate empathetic action to their fellow human being in times of great tragedy and suffering, but that for a fraction of the cost of that response, these kinds of horrific situations could be lessened substantially with well-planned advance preventative measures. I hope that we as a global community take advantage of that lesson.

Link to the article:

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